What will you bail on?

It’s the holiday season, when nature becomes quiet and dark and, yet, our social calendars are more full than any other time of year. I get a pang of anxiety every time I walk past the calendar in my kitchen and see that nearly every little square in the month of December is filled with some kind of obligation. While I like Ugly Sweater Parties and decorating Christmas trees as much as any other American, I also love unscheduled nights at home, drinking hot cocoa and listening to music. So, where does that fit into the schedule?

This morning, as I drank my coffee and caught up with a dear friend, she asked me “what are you willing to bail on?” This got me thinking: What we say “yes” to can define us in many ways but, ultimately, what we say “no” to defines us as well. Sure, I can do it all. I can say “yes” to everything and catch up on sleep in January. But, do I want that? Do I want to feel depleted, or do I want to offer my full attention to fewer things?

How will you be most nourished this holiday season? How will you define yourself, and what are you willing to bail on?

woman lifting her head up

Photo by Martin Lopez on Pexels.com


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